CLOSE - Creating Local Organised Social Education
Project from a joint Imperial College x RCA university module
The brief was to create a new service around getting schoolkids to school. Our solution was to create a series of intermediary hubs that provide social volunteer led classes to break up the journey to school and allow kids or parents to walk halfway to the hub and let the volunteers do the rest.
Below are some of the media assets created as part of the module deliverables as well as details of the design process.
Final presentation -  Prezi splash slide
Logo ideas
The final logo (top) was chosen as the enclosing of the o in close as we liked how it reinforced the ideas of a close knit community keeping everyone safe. Orange was chosen as the accenting and brand colour due to it's energising and vibrant conoctations in colour theory. Parallels can also be drawn to the fruit and healthy lifestyles, which we are trying to encourage in walking children to school.
User Stories and Research
This is an excerpt from our report detailing our findings from interacting with our target market and gathering research through speaking to people on the street in the effort to pursue user-centred design
Website pages
As part of our solution to the brief, we propsed a website that would act as an information hub as well as facilitate the coordination of volunteers. Here are some screens.


Imperial College x RCA Module
